Current Standing And Trading Volume

Pikamoon Price Today: A Comprehensive Breakdown

Current Standing and Trading Volume

The current live price of Pikamoon (PIKA) is 0.0000592 USD. This represents a 0.3% increase from an hour ago. The 24-hour trading volume for PIKA is 11,873,025 USD.

Market Cap and Supply

Pikamoon has a current market cap of 0.000. The current circulating supply of PIKA is not readily available.

Historical Trends

Over the past hour, the price of PIKA has seen a 0.3% increase. However, in the past 24 hours, it has experienced a 6.2% decline.

Additional Information

Pikamoon also trades against Bitcoin (BTC), with a current price of BTC0.000000088584. The 24-hour trading volume for this pair is 493,4205 USD.

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